Welcome to Blessed is he who comes in the name of God.
On this website you can find a lot of study videos that can help you in your journey to get more understanding about topics such as prayer, holy living, repentance, what the Will of God is, what the Attributes of God are and many more.
What you also will find are audio-videos that bring the story about earth or Urantia and Humanity.
Through these I hope that many of God's children will be inspired to look differently to our history that has been taught to us.
There is a blog where you can read articles of many different topics that come from the Urantia book. it's through these articles that God's children will be taught in whom they are, the existence of the universe as well as the superuniverse and so about the structure of the cosmos but also will we get to know about the many celestial helpers that are there to help us. We also will read and hear a more acurate story about Adam and Eve and what truly went wrong . We even will learn about the existence of a second Garden of Eden, and also something about our first human parents and all the races that have been here on earth and some still are. So we get a deeper understanding that there are more racial affinities in our DNA then we so could think of.Also shall we learn that we in some fashion are still stuck unto old and primitive ideas and imaginations about who God the Father is, which makes that we spiritually have become stagnated. We are still outliving the primitive ways , ideas and understandings from our forefathers. Which we also come across in reading books such as the bible and all the other by men declared 'holy ' books.These books give God's children a distorted understanding of religion,God and Jesus. God's children hardly know anything about the life of Jesus let alone about who He actually is. Just a small group of God's children know that Jesus is Michael and is our Master-Sovereign Ruler of this Local Universe named Nebadon. They know this through reading and studying the Urantia book that came in many cases on their path due to many rising questions they had for instance about the storyline in the bible. Isn't it said to us, Ask and it shall be Given or Received? Knock on the Door and it will be Opened? Many of God's children even are unawares that the reason they live on Urantia or earth is that this is their first world where they start their ascension journey back into Light and Life , this path that will bring us eventually to Paradise where Our Father is. There is a misconception about ascension and what this truly entails.We need to understand that this world is in such a dire state of confusion and lies due to the Lucifer Rebellion which came to be also a rebellion of Caligastia our former planetary prince, Caligastia is now replaced by a vicegerent known as Machiventa Melchizedeck, who is the Melchizedeck that is named in the bible. God has given us the Urantia book to set the record straight and help us undoing ourselves from all the lies, confusions, old ideas, old imaginations, old and distorted beliefs.We have to clean the slate. The book is also given to us to prepare us for our next step in our ascencion journey, which will be in the first mansion world.The Urantia book is the fifth epochial Revelation that God has given to us. Jesus gave us the fourth, Adam and Eve gave the third, the second came from Edentia and the first was passed unto us by Caligastia our former planetary prince. The book is a team effort from all the celestial beings that have been and are part of Urantias History.
As last we say,
God Bless you all
Below you will read un exerpt from the Foreword from the Urantia book
The Urantia Book
0:0.1 (1.1)IN THE THINKING of the mortals of Urantia - this is the name of your world - there is great confusion regarding the meaning of such terms as God, divinity and deity. With regard to the relations between the divine personalities designated by these numerous designations, even greater confusion and uncertainty prevails among people. Because of this lack of comprehension, which accompanies so much confusion in the formation of ideas, I have been instructed to prepare this introduction to explain the meanings to be attributed to certain word symbols, as they may hereafter be used in the treatises for whose transposition into the English language of Urantia has been authorized to the Corps in Orvonton whose task it is to reveal truth.
0:0.2 (1.2)In our attempt to expand cosmic consciousness and deepen spiritual understanding, it is extremely difficult to introduce broader concepts and advanced truth when we are allowed to use only a clearly defined language of the area in question. However, our mission urges us to make every effort to convey our intentions using the word symbols of the English language. We are instructed to introduce new terms only when it is necessary to describe a concept for which no word exists in English [Dutch] which expresses this new concept even partially or even with lesser or greater distortion of meaning.
0:0.3 (1.3)In the hope that we shall make it easier for every mortal who studies these treatises to understand them, and that we shall avoid confusion, we think it prudent to give in this first statement a description of the meanings to be ascribed to numerous English words which will be used to designate the Godhead and certain interrelated representations of the things, meanings and values of universal reality.
0:0.4 (1.4)However, in order to prepare this Preface in which definitions and limitations of terminology are given, it is necessary to anticipate the use of these terms in the following treatises. This Preface, therefore, is not a stand-alone, completed statement; it is merely a guide that gives definitions and is intended as an aid to the readers of the accompanying treatises on the Godhead and the universe of universes, which were prepared by a committee from Orvonton sent to Urantia for this purpose.
0:0.5 (1.5)Your world, Urantia, is one of many similarly inhabited planets that make up the local universe Nebadon. Together with similar creations, this universe forms the superuniverse Orvonton, from whose main world, Uversa, our commission originates. Orvonton is one of seven evolving superuniverses in time and space, circling around the divinely perfect creation that has neither beginning nor end - the central universe Havona. At the heart of this eternal central universe is the stationary Paradise Island, the geographical center of infinity and the dwelling place of the eternal God.