The Kingdom of God

Receiving a love for the Way, the Truth and the Life is contingent on our willingness to Obey Gods instructions, His TORAH. Love is shown by our Obedience and Godgave us His Sabbaths to Test Us in the easiest possible way, to Rest! ( Ex 16:4)

Our Obedience in this is our response to His Command, "Love Me and Guard My Commandments" (Ex 20:6 & Dt 5:10)Obedience is what Worship is and God's Will for us is in the Ten Words, which teach us to Love God and Love our NeighbourThis 'Torah"is called Living Words(Acts 7:38) THE LIVING WATERS 

Jesus is that WORD MADE FLESH

It is the 'secret of lawlessness' that we must overcome and it can only be our love for God over all else that can put us on the correct path to life. If we do not know Jesus, we do not know The Way.God told His followers, "The Way you know"( Yn14). We are unable to 'see'The Kingdom of God until we submit to His Will, which is his Covenant. The Covenant(Ten Words) have Hi screative power in them to transform our hearts and minds to Obedience.At the moment we Receive His Spirit, we see His Reign. We are Impregnated( Begotten from above) and His Seed in us Transforms our hearts to conform to His Will. Having been circumsised in our hearts  our (LAMP) by Jesus's Spirit, we are partakers in the Renewed Covenant, the TORAH IN OUR HEARTS. ( YirmeYahu 31, Hebrews 8 & 10)

The 'lie'described at 2Thess 2 is sent because those perishing refuse to receive a love for the Truth, which is His Word, those same Ten Words, which are to be written upon our hearts by Jesus(circumsised). Jesusis the Spirit Living in us-The Secret: Messiah in you! Col 1:27


"By this we know that we Love the children of God, when we LoveGod and Guard His Commands. For this is the Love for God, that we Guard His Commands, and His Commands are NOT heavy"(1Yn 5:2-3) 

Now that you know these things, read Romans chapter 12, it describes who we are, as we are conformed to the image of the Son of God.

