Urantia Book gives us a history about this planet named Urantia or Earth as well as the complete story of Adam and Eve and what truly happened in the Garden of Eden. It also gives us a deeper picture of the Life and Teaching of Jesus and who Jesus actually is. It is about time that we start undoing ourselves from all these man made ideas, concepts and understandings of our history and the earths.Read this book and lay the bible next to it and you will see what it lacks. The Universal Father asked me to do audio videos and have chapter by chapter recorded so that many can come in contact with this information that has been given to us by Jesus and all the celestial beings. Op deze pagina vind u nederlandse audio videos van onderwerpen uit het Urantia boek. Als u op de videos klikt dan zult u in het tekst blok ook de links zien van het Nederlandse blog met artikelen uit het Urantia boek, dit zeer inspirerende en geest vernieuwende artikelen.






