Conditions for Effective Prayer

Gepubliceerd op 10 november 2024 om 15:35

Conditions for effective prayer

91:9.1 (1002.6)If you want to pray effectively, you should keep in mind the laws of prevalent supplication:

91:9.2 (1002.7)1. You must become a powerful prayer by sincerely and courageously facing the problems of the reality of the universe. Ge must be in possession of cosmic endurance.

91:9.3 (1002.8)2. Ge must have used the human capacity for human adaptation honestly and fully. Ge must have been diligent.

91:9.4 (1002.9)3. Ge must surrender every desire in thy consciousness and every craving of thy soul to the transforming embrace of spiritual growth. Ge must have experienced a deepening of meanings and an elevation of values.

91:9.5 (1002.10)4. Ge must wholeheartedly choose the divine will. Ge must get over the dead point of indecision.

91:9.6 (1002.11)5. You not only recognize the Father's will and choose to do it, but you have unconditionally surrendered and dynamically devoted yourself to actually doing the Father's will.

91:9.7 (1002.12)6. You will pray exclusively for divine wisdom in order to solve the specific human problems that you encounter in the ascent to Paradise - the attainment of divine perfection.

91:9.8 (1002.13)7. And ge must have faith - living faith.

91:9.9 (1002.14)[Offered by the Head of the Middle Beings on Urantia].

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