Jesus is there for you to help you in the NOW. Don't forget to live in the NOW! Many people are preoccupied with the past and seek healing for past traumas. Others worry greatly about the future or live mostly in the future hoping everything will get better. It is good to invest in yourself by seeking healing. It is good to make wise choices for the future. But the most important thing is to live NOW. Life takes place NOW. No one knows how old they will get. Life may be over tomorrow. This is the day God has made. Yesterday is no more and tomorrow does not exist yet. Life always takes place in the NOW. The name of God is also I AM. Not I was or I will be. We are created in God's image to BE in the NOW. Whatever your problems are. Jesus came to make you LIVE NOW. From LIVE comes healing and restoration. I pray you God's abundant LIFE in the NOW in Jesus name! The 7 'I Am' statements of Jesus 1 The bread that gives life. 2 The light of the world. 3 The door for the sheep. 4 The good Shepherd. 5 The resurrection. 6 The way, the truth and the life. 7 The true vine. Break free from worldliness and GO LIVE people! Live as God intended for you and follow the blueprint God has put in you to do, then you will follow God's Will! Don't listen anymore to all the scaremongering put out by people who have a petrified and cold heart, mind and soul and are intensely jealous of those who LIVE LIFE and therefore they want to take everything away from us so that we will be like those who call themselves political leaders or whatever, petrified, cold, and cold in our soul, mind and heart. Illness comes about partly because people DO NOT LIVE! And not going the way God wants them to go.Minder tonen
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