The Immortel

Gepubliceerd op 15 november 2024 om 17:48

The Immortal

131:4.3 (1448.2)'God is the sure refuge for every good man in need; the Immortal cares for all mankind. God is a strong deliverer, and His kindness is full of mercy. He is a loving protector, a blessed defender. The Lord speaks, “I dwell in their own souls as a lamp of wisdom. I am the splendor of the lustrous and the goodness of the good. Where two or three come together, there I am likewise!” The creature cannot escape the presence of the Creator. The Lord even counts the incessant blinking of the eyes of every mortal; and we revere this divine Being as our inseparable companion. He prevails over everything, is mild-mannered, omnipresent and infinitely kind. The Lord rules over us, he is our refuge and our supreme director, and his primal spirit dwells in the soul of the mortal. The Eternal Witness of vice and virtue dwells in man's heart. Let us think long about the adorable and divine Bringer of Life; let his spirit fully govern our thoughts. Lead us out of this unreal world into the real one! Lead us out of darkness into light! Lead us out of death to immortality! 131:4.4 (1448.3)'Let us worship the Eternal with a heart cleansed of all hatred. Our God is the Lord of prayer; he hears the cries of his children. Let all men submit their will to him, to him, the Determined. Let us rejoice in the mildness of the Lord of prayer. Make prayer your most intimate friend and worship him who sustains your soul. “If ye will but worship me in love,” says the Eternal, ”I will grant you wisdom to reach me, for their worship of me is the virtue and strength common to all creatures.” God gives light to those who are sad and strength to those who are exhausted. Since God is our strong friend, we fear no more. We praise the name of the never-conquered Conqueror. We worship him because he is man's faithful and eternal helper. God is our secure leader and infallible guide. He is the great originator of heaven and earth, and he possesses unlimited energy and infinite wisdom. His splendor is exalted and His beauty is divine. He is the supreme refuge for the universe and the immutable guardian of eternal law. Our God is the Lord of life and the Comforter of all men; he loves humanity and is the helper of those in need. He is the giver of our life and the Good Shepherd of those who make up his flock. God is our father, brother and friend. And we long to know this God in our inner being.

131:4.5 (1448.4)'We have learned to acquire faith by the fervent desire of our hearts. We have attained wisdom by controlling our senses, and through wisdom we have experienced peace in the Most High. He who is filled with faith truly worships when his inner self is deepened in God. Our God wears the heavens like a mantle; He also inhabits the other six spreading universes. He is supreme over all and in all. We beg the Lord for forgiveness of all our transgressions toward our brothers; and if our friend has wronged us, we will gladly forgive him. Our spirit abhors all evil; therefore, O Lord, deliver us from all stain of sin. We pray to God as a comforter, protector and savior - one who loves us.

131:4.6 (1449.1)'The spirit of the Keeper of the Universe enters the soul of the simple creature. That man is wise who worships the one God. Those who strive for perfection must indeed know the Supreme Lord. He who knows the blissful security of the Most High is never afraid, for the Most High speaks to those who serve Him, “Fear not, for I am with you.” The God of providence is our Father. God is truth. And it is the desire of God that his creatures understand him - come to know truth fully. Truth is eternal: it sustains the universe. Our supreme desire must be union with the Supreme. The Great Controller is the originator of all things - everything develops from Him. This is the summary of our obligations: let no one do to another what would offend himself; do not bear a grudge, do not strike him who strikes you, overcome wrath with mercy and defeat hatred with benevolence. And all this we must do because God is a good friend and gracious father, who forgives all our earthly offenses.

131:4.7 (1449.2)'God is our Father, the earth our mother, and the universe our birthplace. Without God the soul is a prisoner: to know God frees the soul. By thinking about God, by union with him, there is liberation from the illusions of evil and ultimate deliverance from all material fetters. When man will roll up space like a piece of leather, then evil will come to an end because man has found God. O God, save us from the threefold destruction of hell - lust, wrath and greed! O soul, gird yourselves for the spirit-wrestling of immortality! When mortal life comes to an end, do not hesitate to let go of this body for a more suitable, cleaner form, and awaken in the realms of the Supreme and Immortal, where there is no fear, sorrow, hunger, thirst, or death. To know God means to break the bonds of death. The soul that knows God rises in the universe like cream rises on milk. We worship God who works all things, the Great Soul who is ever seated in the hearts of His creatures. And those who know that God sits enthroned in the human heart are destined to become as He is - immortal. Evil must be left behind in this world, but virtue follows the soul to heaven.

131:4.8 (1449.3)'Only the evil ones say: the universe knows neither truth nor a ruler: it is meant only for our lusts. Such souls are deceived by the smallness of their minds. They give themselves up to the enjoyment of their lusts and deny their souls the joys of virtue and the pleasures of righteousness. What could be greater than to experience deliverance from sin? Man who has seen the Most High is immortal. 'Man's friends after the flesh cannot survive death; only virtue goes by man's side as he travels onward to the happy and sunny fields of Paradise.

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