Ok, so from the last video, part 3 you see Israel receiving the land Elohim promised to them. They conquered much of the land of Canaan and Elohim was making His great name known. They were blessed as long as they followed Elohim, His Law and His statutes, and did not bow to any of the other nation’s gods. They did not follow Him completely and were punished many times for their disobedience. We should use part 3 to understand Elohim in a greater way. He does not just ignore our sin and let us live without consequence. If it seems that way today it’s because we are blessed to live in the age of grace. The consequences of our sins are not truly realized. But this grace will not be granted forever. Take note of how He reacts to our disobedience and sins. But moving on with the story takes us into much of the years of abundance for Israel, but as they reach what seems to be the height of their glory, their story takes a turn. Use this history in understand the story of Elohim’s chosen people, while understanding how Elohim responds to sin, while also understanding the true purpose of Israel and the purpose for Messiah. Let’s begin
History of religion 4...
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